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ContribKanban 2019 update

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It seems that I do a roughly annual update for ContribKanban and what I plan on doing with it. This year I evaluated its future and roadmap and how it can be more useful for the community at large.


ContribKanban has been hosted on one of my own DigitalOcean VMs for a while now. The project now has sponsored hosting from on their open source Lagoon platform infrastructure. This allows me to no longer need to worry about a server's maintenance and gives development environments for better testing and review.

I have also started to work on a command line tool for interacting with Lagoon:

Issue Collection Boards

Last year I built a way to create a board based on a collection of issues. It was inspired by Shawn McCabe 'smccabe' at AcroMedia who had a running spreadsheet of contrib tasks employees could work on. Issue Collection boards allow you to take issue IDs and make a custom board. They can be private, shared, or public. Issue collection boards can only be shared if given a link and are not browseable except from your user account page.

  • A public board allows anyone to edit and add issues.
  • A shared board can be viewed by anyone with the link.
  • A private board is for just you!

The Ofer Shaal 'shaal' of the Out of the Box Initiative has adopted ContribKanban as a sprint planning tool for each Drupal release.

See it over at

To create an issue collection board, you need an account on ContribKanban. My next goal is to improve the user experience for creating and managing these boards. It is very basic. 

Some of the things I would like to do:

Browser Extension

Stemming from the issue collection boards, I would like to make a browser extension that allows adding an issue while browsing to a board. I am imagining something like Pinterest or Noun Project. Click "Add to board" and select the board it should be added to or create an existing one.

I would also like the widget to display if an issue has already been added to a board.

OpenCollective and CodeFund

ContribKanban has always been a side project. It originated as a way to learn AngularJS. Then Drupal with VanillaJS. Then React with a Drupal backend. I have added ethical advertising by CodeFund to ContribKanban. CodeFund is an open source and ethical ad platform that funds contributors to the open source ecosystem.

I have also created a ContribKanban collective on Open Collective. This makes it easier to accept contributions and comes from recommendations from several community members.

To be honest, I work on ContribKanban very sporadically - partly because it works, and partly because I work on things which make an impact on my revenue. For instance, I worked on ContribKanban in April 2019, then the last activity was January 2019. Before that? October 2018. I would like to stabilize this and the funding options (funded or not) make me feel morally obligated to keep an active touch on the project.


One thing I would like to do is get a logo for the project: I have no idea. But it would be more useful since there is an Open Collective collective. 


Thanks for reading. Thank you to everyone who has used it and provided feedback. I'd love to hear how you're using ContribKanban.


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